In change management, we want others to accept change happily. We don’t want any resistance to change. But, before setting such expectations, we may want to take time and ask a few questions:
- Do we know enough about the new change we preach to others?
- Do we fully understand how the new change is affecting others?
- Do we know what it takes to cross the bridge from where they are to where we want them to go?
- Do they have the necessary skills, time, and motivation?
- Would we accept the proposed change if we were in their place?
- What challenges might we have been facing if we were in their place?
Before preaching change to others, we may want to fully understand the gap and what we need to do to bridge the gap.
If we want to take people with us on the journey, we must go to them, where they are. We must understand them and the proposed change. Then, with this in-depth knowledge, we take them to the new place over the bridge.
…..adding empathy salt to the change management recipe!