Don’t Be Fooled by No News: Improving Your Business Feedback Process

Customer Relationship Management

As a business owner or executive, if you are experiencing minimal complaints, returns, or incidents, there are two possible explanations. Firstly, you may have exceptional delivery capabilities (Type 1), or secondly, you may have inadequate methods to report such issues – Business Feedback Process – (Type 2).

Congratulations – if you belong to Type 1. However, if you fall under Type 2, there is room for improvement. As busy individuals, we often assume that no news is good news, but this assumption may be misleading. Customers may find it difficult to report complaints, returns, or incidents, resulting in the absence of feedback. In such cases, we may isolate ourselves and pretend that everything is well.

If we genuinely care about customer experiences, it is crucial to understand the end-to-end customer journey and make it remarkable. We must make it easy for customers to provide us with feedback and ensure that they feel heard and valued. By doing so, we can improve our business’s overall performance and build a loyal customer base.