Why We Suffer From Convoluted Systems?

Digital Transformation

In business, we use many different types of software. Each piece of software has a specific purpose. There are often common capabilities among enterprise software.

For example, we can record timesheets in the ERP and HR systems. Similarly, we can manage documentation within ERP and a dedicated Document Management system.

Often, we come across situations where the software’s role is unclear. For instance, the business may use ERP for timesheet management for the Engineering team and the HR system for the Admin team timesheets.

Due to a lack of oversight, poor planning, and weak architecture, we unnecessarily complicate the digital landscape. There are no clear boundaries for the software within the enterprise.

So, consider the following points:

  • Identify the role of each software system within the enterprise. Determine the leading role for each software. For instance, determine software for document management, business process management, workflows or niche functions like HR Asset Management.
  • Identify in which system the master records of the given entity will be saved. For example, does CRM or ERP hold customer master information?
  • Identify how the information will flow from one system to the other. Hence, the correct data is available to all stakeholders.
  • Identify exception handling, change and maintenance of data elements.

This work requires the involvement of Architects, Systems Owners, Product owners and Business Analysts.

It is common to have such issues, adding bottlenecks in the information flow. It is best to do the high-value planning and architecture work upfront and communicate it to the rest of the team.

So consider adding this task to your do list before any major enterprise software implementation work. No one will do this work if you do not fund it. The result will then be a set of convoluted systems and information bottlenecks.

I do not want to see you there!