ERP implementations are a marathon!

Project Sponsorship

ERP implementations are costly, complex, and time-consuming. It is common for business stakeholders to get eager to complete the implementation and return to normal life. But, in reality, we are never done after the first project.

Here are a few common reasons:

  • Not all ERP modules have been implemented yet
  • The scope of the first project is pending
  • Integrations between ERP and other systems are not complete
  • Reports and Business Intelligence work is in its infancy stage
  • End-user security needs to be tightened.
  • End users need more training and support
  • Data cleansing still requires work
  • Business requirements continue to change and evolve
  • Customers, suppliers, and employees are demanding and expecting more
  • We are not fully utilising our ERP
  • New employees don’t have structured induction and training for the ERP
  • Lack of governance leads staff to find their ways of working outside the system.

ERP implementations are a marathon, and for a good reason. So, don’t sprint!