ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning!

Digital Transformation

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. If we try to understand ERP by its name, we will limit its potential and scope. ERPs are no longer limited to resource planning at the enterprise level. Though its roots are in materials resource planning, it has outgrown its name immensely.

ERP is a centralised software with the potential to meet end-to-end business needs.

It includes:

  • capturing data in electronic forms,
  • managing business processes within workflows,
  • recording decisions based on business rules and delegation of authority,
  • triggering notifications like emails/SMS,
  • generating reports and dashboards,
  • providing a platform to integrate with other applications,
  • managing budgets and forcasting, and much more.

ERPs assist in breaking departmental silos and making enterprise information available in real-time.

ERP has matured and is capable of handling complex tasks swiftly. If your organisation has over 30 employees, you should be seriously considering ERP for your business.