Preparing For Significant Change!

Change Management

The quality of my interstate family trip is highly dependent on the preparation of the trip. Similarly, the success of winning on the battlefield is highly reliant on its preparation.

Before embarking on any significant change, it is vital to prepare for the change first. Our preparation before initiating the change is going to make all the difference. During this time, we answer the most fundamental questions:

  • How does success look?
  • What are we going to gain or lose from the change?
  • What are the risks/opportunities?
  • Do we understand the problem and relevant solutions to the problem?
  • Who are the different stakeholders?
  • Do the stakeholders have clearly defined roles?
  • Do we have enough resources?

It is too tempting to jump on the project and deliver it. However, preparing for significant change takes a lot of discipline. And it is this discipline that will make all the difference in implementing the change!