Project managers are not fortune tellers!

Project Sponsorship

Enterprise software projects (ERP/CRM) are complex, multi-dimensional moving beasts.

The ERP Project manager’s job is to clearly state the facts and present the project’s current status. Yes, with an indication of the planned next steps and an estimate to complete the project. But let’s not expect too much when predicting the future.

Project managers are not fortune tellers and do not have any magical powers to predict if the project will be on time and within budget.

Yes, as part of an executive team, we can choose to force the Project managers to give us precise estimates. However, it does not make the Project managers any better off. With additional pressure, they will likely include more buffers in their time/budget estimates. The work will most likely expand to additional time and budget buffers (Parkinson’s law). The sponsoring entity may end up paying more due to our additional pressure. So, you can imagine it as a lose-lose situation.

So, the solution is likely to work constructively with the Project managers.