Building a rock solid foundation

Attention: Project Leaders who are determined to deliver successful projects


When it comes to setting your project to success, Building A Rock Solid Foundation hits the nail on its head, every single time! There are no long stories, unnecessary fluff. It is written for busy professionals by a seasoned consultant. This book systematically lays a step-by-step process which will help you do all the right things before starting your project. They are profound and straightforward strategies that you can implement right away. With the insider knowledge on project management, which you will learn in the book, people will fear to B.S on project matters. You will lead from the front and will not fall in the common traps – the project killers. I am revealing the secret sauce of project success by building a rock-solid foundation for your project.

Challenging Projects

You see, technology projects can be very ambiguous! The executives doubt if they are investing in the right projects. Vague understanding as to how the given projects support the Business strategy does not help. There is uncertainty on the project approach, type of resources, skill set required. We believe in our unstated assumptions, as facts. Far from reality, we face bitter surprises throughout the implementation. Sounds familiar?
You want to implement a plug and play Business system, inexpensive and deploy with minimal fuss. The reality is that these project often costs more (some times DOUBLE), delays unexpectedly and consume many resources. Have you experienced it first hand?

Painful Technology Projects

I know your previous attempts of changing project managers, vendors, resources, and methodologies have only offered a little help.
To thrive in this rapidly changing digital landscape, we need to shift our mindset. Old methods of blame and shame will not work.
Look, what we need is a robust framework that addresses project challenges from its horns and lays the rock-solid Foundation to ensure project success:

Building a rock solid foundation

Explore ‘Building A Rock Solid Foundation’

Chapter 1: The truth of starting up a project – Never initiate a project without setting up its Foundation.
Explore the Foundation stage of a project. It is the most critical and misunderstood stage. Still, businesses skip it, which is probably the most likely reason for the alarming failure rate.

Chapter 2: Discover a magical way of formulating a road map that will bring your vision to reality
A step-by-step method will hold your hands and guide you to do it yourself. Develop a roadmap that you trust. It is not guesswork, gut feel or orders from higher powers. By following this logical method, build confidence that the company is investing in the right projects and at the right time.

Chapter 3: Do not ever underestimate the role of requirements in the project.

Now, this chapter is asking hard questions and providing practical tips to prevent analysis paralysis. For instance, why we even need to undertake enterprise analysis, its purpose, outcomes and expectations. Understand and prevent common (but hidden) pitfalls and nasty surprises. If you do this step right, you are going to save thousands of dollars, guaranteed.

Chapter 4: I do not want to see you running a project without a Business Case!
Short and sharp facts that you must know about a Business Case. Learn 5 ways to make a super compelling Business Case.

Chapter 5: How to form a star Project team without any guesswork? Look, you deserve and need an awesome Project team
For a successful project, you need to have the right people, sitting in the right positions and doing the right things at the right time. Learn how to form this magical project team. Remember, this is not a choice. You need an excellent Project team to ensure success.  

Chapter 6: Core Project Management concepts that are kept secret from executives
You are going to learn Project Management 1-on-1. It is so powerful that once you know this stuff, no one will ever dare to B.S on project matters.

Chapter 7: Governance – Revealing truth about your role as a Project Sponsor
Learn that project governance is your fundamental responsibility. Your team and vendors will show you a rosy road. Learn how to smash their claims and force them to put facts on the table.
You must learn and master this to become a star Sponsor.

I guarantee you will find immense value in this book!

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