Revolutionaries who make a real impact!


Most of my regrets stem from thinking too small, not being bold enough, tolerating problems for too long, taking key decisions too lightly, setting my boundaries too loosely, and underestimating my own worth. Too often, I allowed myself to simply go with the flow rather than charting my own course.

When I reflect back, I see a pattern—a lack of courage, intention, and vision. This isn’t unique to me; I observe it in many others as well. The majority of people tend to conform, following established norms without question. They avoid risks, stick to what feels safe, and prefer familiarity over disruption.

It is the revolutionaries who make a real impact. They challenge the status quo, think boldly, and dare to envision a different future, driving meaningful change. As leaders, it’s our responsibility to not only recognise and nurture these revolutionaries but also become one ourselves.