I have limited time in this life. If I am serious about my life, I should carefully pick the verbs I use with ‘time’.
When I choose the proper verbs, I am more likely to know what I am actually doing with my time.
Here is a brief list for reference:
- Spending time
- Investing time
- Allocating time
- Managing time
- Saving time
- Wasting time
- Prioritising time
- Budgeting time
- Scheduling time
- Planning time
- Devoting time
- Dedicating time
- Balancing time
- Maximising time
- Utilising time
- Leveraging time
- Sharing time
- Committing time
- Allotting time
- Consuming time
- Expending time
- Consuming time
- Losing time
- Gaining time
- Freeing up time
- Blocking time
- Reserving time
- Guarding time
- Juggling time
Credit: The above list (verbs of time) was copied from ChatGPT.