Decentralise: Service improvement initiatives.

Business Improvement, Local Government

Enterprise process and service improvement initiatives can be highly complex, making it difficult to engage various teams within the Council. Different departments, such as revenue, rates, finance, planning, and building, have their peak busy periods, where urgent BAU (business-as-usual) work takes precedence over project initiatives.

As previously discussed, process improvements are long-term commitments that require continuous dedication.

This is why many local governments face challenges in sustainably implementing enterprise processes and service improvement initiatives.

One promising approach is the decentralisation of these initiatives. In this model, each department is accountable for achieving specific process improvement goals that align with set criteria within a designated timeframe. While departments would have access to consulting services, tools, training, and support. The responsibility for meeting set goals would rest with them, under the oversight of a centralised project team.

Adopting such a framework can be transformative. It tackles the root causes of implementation challenges and lays the groundwork for sustained improvement over time.